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Build your Keyosk in minutes. No credit card required.

A man sitting at a desk writing on a piece of paper.

Choose what you want to offer

Share your memoir, podcast, or puppet show with the world. If it’s a file we can help you monetize it.

A woman wearing headphones is looking at a computer screen.

Select what you want for access

Choose what you want in exchange for access to your creations. Credit card, NFT, email, tip, or password.

A cartoon of a cat on a cell phone.

Share your Keyosk

Publish your Keyosk and start interacting with your audience directly, no platforms required.


Get paid, if you want


Accept payment

Set a fixed price or offer a price range and let customers pay what they want.

password protect

Password Protect

Accept passwords in exchange for access to your content.


Unlock Protocol

Offer exclusive content to your Unlock members. no coding required.



Share content exclusively with your token holders and build value into your NFT project.


Ask for emails

Let visitors “pay” you for your content with their email address.

How it works

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The adventures of bird and turbo - digital book.

Share your content

Connect your download, link, ebook, blog post, video, puppet show, magnum opus. Use what you have. Works with all media.

Get started for free ->
A phone with the text the adventures of bird and turbo - digital book.

Ask for “payment”

Ask for whatever you want in exchange for access to your content. Keyosk supports Tokengating, credit card payments, email addresses, passwords, and even Unlock Protocol

Get started for free ->
A phone screen with the text, the adventures of bird and turbo - digital book.

That’s it!

Publish your Keyosk and start interacting with your audience directly, no platforms required.

Get started for free ->
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Build relationships with your followers

A screenshot of the my first digital book login screen.

Engage fans with content rewards

Take your audience off the platforms using your content. Give them something and get something in return.

Get started for free ->
An email message with a black cat on it.

Get to know your supporters

Track engagement and find your superfans. Follow up with automated and customizeable email campaigns.

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A close up of a paper with a cat on it.

Set up a Keyosk without doing extra work

Share your memoir, podcast, or puppet show with the world. If it’s a file we can help you monetize it.

Get started for free ->