
Require a token for access.

Share files, videos, courses and more. Tokengate a link for NFT as login.

Customize your gate.

Set a minimum token requirement, collect email addresses on purchase, and/or allow for token minting directly from your Keyosk.

Add access methods.

Onboard members to your NFT project while grandfathering in credit card customers.


Your link + Keyosk

Create a gated landing page, or Keyosk, for every link you connect so you can offer your content and ask for something in exchange. You get a complete list of your content members, a secure email channel to send updates, and real-time analytics about your sales.

It's Easy

  • Connect your URL

  • Select your access settings.

  • Publish and share your Keyosk.

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Start gating your links

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Step 1
Connect your content.

Enter the URL of the web page you want to gate.

Step 2
Configure your tokengate.

Set optional time restrictions for access or privacy settings to hide your Keyosk from search engines.

Step 3
Publish and share your Keyosk

Visitors to your Keyosk will connect their wallet and validate a token in order to get your download, link, PDF, video, or more.

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Build relationships with your followers

Keyosk is a lightweight entitlements solution that facilitates relationships between creators and their supporters. 
With Keyosk you can sign up new followers, send premium content to your supporters, gate content, and build value into your NFT project.

A screenshot of the my first digital book login screen.

Engage fans with content rewards

Take your audience off the platforms using your content. Give them something and get something in return.

Get started for free ->
An email message with a black cat on it.

Get to know your supporters

Track engagement and find your superfans. Follow up with automated and customizeable email campaigns.

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A close up of a paper with a cat on it.

Set up a Keyosk without doing extra work

Share your memoir, podcast, or puppet show with the world. If it’s a file we can help you monetize it.

Get started for free ->