No coding.
Plug and play Unlock Protocol configuration. Use your own content. Works with all media.
Require credentials for access.
Use existing membership or build a new one. Only those with your Unlock membership will be able to access your content.
Configure your membership.
Set price, availability and subscription recurrence built into your smart contract.

Your link + Keyosk
Create a gated landing page, or Keyosk, for every link you connect so you can offer your content and ask for something in exchange. You get a complete list of your content members, a secure email channel to send updates, and real-time analytics about your sales.

It's Easy
Connect your URL
Select your access settings.
Publish and share your Keyosk.
Start paywalling your links.
Build relationships with your followers
Keyosk is a lightweight entitlements solution that facilitates relationships between creators and their supporters. With Keyosk you can sign up new followers, send premium content to your supporters, gate content, and build value into your NFT project.

Engage fans with content rewards
Take your audience off the platforms using your content. Give them something and get something in return.

Get to know your supporters
Track engagement and find your superfans. Follow up with automated and customizeable email campaigns.

Set up a Keyosk without doing extra work
Share your memoir, podcast, or puppet show with the world. If it’s a file we can help you monetize it.
Offer exclusive content to your token holders and build value into your NFT project.
Stand up a Keyosk for your content and let customers “pay” you with their email address.
Gate your URLs for your paying customers or share exclusive access with your community.
Stand up a payment Keyosk and start selling your digital product in seconds.
Stand up a Keyosk for your content and let customers “pay” you with a password.
Offer exclusive and a la carte content to your Unlock members.
Stand up a video Keyosk for your project and start screening on your terms.
Design a custom Keyosk using our CMS and fasttrack your project.